Erie Auto Insurance In Lancaster, PA

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Finding the Right Erie Auto Insurance: Meet Susquehanna

After your house, your car is your second most expensive asset. Even though you might consider yourself a safe driver, the average driver will have three to four accidents. Although most accidents are not life-threatening, they can be expensive without a personal insurance policy. Most people know that auto insurance is necessary, but all the options overwhelm them.

At Susquehanna Insurance, we find the best auto policies for you and your family using our vast network of relationships in the auto insurance industry. We understand that not all car insurance policies are equal. Some policies only cover the damage you make to another car, while others protect you, your vehicle, and other property damages. Although this might sound like common sense, the cheapest policy is not always the best. At Susquehanna, we will review Pennsylvania insurance providers to find the best insurance quotes for you.


What You Need To Know About Auto Insurance:

Liability coverage does not cover any damages to you or your vehicle, but it does protect you against any damages you cause to another person or their property. It normally includes coverage for their car and related injuries. If the vehicle accident requires medical expenses, your insurance company will pay the legal fee if there is a lawsuit. Liability can cover the funeral expense if the accident is fatal.

Collision coverage applies to accidents when no other cars are involved, such as driving into a telephone pole or scraping a guard rail. Collision insurance helps people recover any damages from rollovers or related incidents. In addition, it normally covers any towing fees related to the accident.

Regardless of what insurance company you choose, comprehensive insurance covers anything else that a collision policy would not cover. This could include theft, natural disasters, falling objects, vandalism, acts of terrorism, fire, and hitting an animal—pretty much anything outside of a driver’s control.

Many times, vehicle accidents require medical treatment, which is why it is wise to get medical payment insurance. It not only covers you, but it also covers your passengers. It does not matter if the accident is your fault or the other driver’s fault.

Personal Injury Insurance is similar to medical payment insurance but with a few differences. Medical Payment Insurance covers medical bills, while Personal Injury Insurance covers lost wages if the medical treatments take you out of work.

If you get into an accident that is not your fault, the responsible party must cover all the damage with their insurance. Even though most states require car insurance, many vehicle owners without it are breaking the law. You can add a clause to your policy for uninsured or underinsured drivers to protect yourself. This premium helps when the other driver does not have sufficient coverage for all your expenses. In most states, the policy will cover hit-and-runs.

What Are Some Ways To Save Money When Looking for Erie Auto Insurance?


Vehicle Discounts

Not all vehicles are equal in safety. Many insurance policies will lower your monthly bill if your car has any of the following features:

Anti-Lock Breaks

If every wheel has an anti-lock brake system, you can receive a discount on your policy's Property Damage and Bodily Injury portions.

Anti-Theft Devices

Some vehicles have anti-theft protection like hidden kill switches and GPS trackers that lower the Comprehensive portion of your premium.

Passive Restraints

Vehicles with automatic airbags and seat belts will lower the Personal Injury portion of your bill.

Vehicle Age

As cars age, wear and tear decrease value. This decrease could mean that your coverage becomes higher than the car value. In addition, replacing car parts is usually cheaper if it is older.

Driver Discounts

Driving record

What is your driving history? Do you have a lot of accidents or not? Even if the accidents are not your fault, they can still increase your premium. Keeping a clean driving record can bring a discount.

Driver Training

Completing accredited training courses or accident prevention classes can lower your auto insurance.

Remote Job

How often and how far do you drive your car? The lower your monthly mileage, the less you risk getting in an accident. For example, working from home can lower your rate.

Driver Age

Unfortunately, most accidents happen to people between the ages of 20 and 24. If you are over 25, you might qualify for a policy decrease.


Auto-Home Bundle Discounts

Many insurance companies offer both auto and home insurance. You can receive a huge discount if you bundle your house and car under the same insurance company.

Multi-Car Discounts

If you or your family members have more than one vehicle, it might be wise to insure them under the same insurance plan. Bundling your cars can lower your premium.


A deductible is an amount you will pay out of your pocket in case of an accident. Getting a higher deductible can lower your insurance bill every month. For the average driver, this is a good way to save money in the long run.

Erie Auto Insurance Requirements

In Pennsylvania, a policy must meet the minimum requirements of 15/30/5. This rule means $15,000 per person, $30,000 for bodily injury, and $5,000 for property damage. 

That said, this minimum requirement rarely provides enough coverage. This liability rule does not give any coverage to you or your vehicle. It is solely to protect the other driver if the accident is your fault. 

This liability provides $15,000 in bodily injuries per person, but it only goes up to $30,000 total. So if three people are injured, then the $30,000 is split evenly among them. 

The $5,000 goes toward car fenders, lane assist sensors, shattered mirrors, etc. If the accident is your fault and one of the cars destroys a nearby mailbox, that $5,000 will go toward that. 

As you can imagine, this minimum insurance policy will not take you very far. Only having a 15/30/5 liability can open you up to many risks. If at fault, the driver who does not have enough coverage will have to pay the rest out-of-pocket.

That is why our team at Susquehanna does not recommend 15/30/5 liability. Our goal is to create satisfied customers. Our Susquehanna customer service agents strive to find the best deals for you.


Auto Insurance FAQ

It covers your medical expenses, vehicle damage, and any damage to other drivers.

Not necessarily. Some insurance companies allow you to pay every six months. This payment plan is another way to save money long-term.

It is a liability coverage that can go up to $25,000 per person, $50,000 per incident, and $10,000 for damaged property.

Our team at Susquehanna would love to help you find the right Insurance.

Auto insurance can be overwhelming. There are a lot of layers to keep track of. Our team at Susquehanna is here to help!